вівторок, 21 червня 2011 р.

Create-a-Caption: New greatest conversation ever alert

Hey, Ron Artest and Bill Walton? I know you thought you had the game sewn up, but you had better drop that needle and thread right the hell now, because Jesse Ventura and Kevin Garnett just sat front row at a Minnesota Lynx game.

Whatever words passed between one man whose credits include an AWA World Tag Team Championship, supporting roles in "Predator" and "The Running Man," and WINNING ELECTIONS, PLURAL, IN AMERICA, and another whose resume features an NBA Championship, 14 All-Star appearances and literally getting down on all fours and barking at Jerryd Bayless, must have been bananas. So do me a solid, play the role of Troy Hudson, listen in and tell me what got said here.

Best caption wins time to bleed, which is great, because you didn't have it before. Good luck.

In our last adventure: Jose Calderon's still having the nightmare about having to make layups while sitting on a seesaw on Spanish television. Might be time to up the dosage, Toronto Raptors medical staff.

Winner, Chris: 2011 was a good year for eccentric shooting gurus.

Runner-up, Jones6: Producer: "Cue 'Yakety Sax' and we've got television gold."

Second runner-up, Dustweasel: "This is a hell of a lot easier than playing for the Raptors!"

Hakeem Olajuwon Robert Parish Bob Pettit Scottie Pippen Willis Reed

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