четвер, 25 серпня 2011 р.

Video: New ?NBA 2K12? trailer enters the nooks and crannies of nostalgia

We've discussed the upcoming video game "NBA 2K12" recently, mostly in terms of its serious lineup of 15 NBA legends. Now, there's another trailer showing these players in action, and you can watch it above (via PBT).

The clip is heavily dependent on that list of 15 stars, showcasing recreations of iconic moments like Julius Erving's cradle lay-up and Hakeem Olajuwon obliterating David Robinson in the post. But there's also a number of shots that focus on more minor players of the era like Bill Laimbeer, Bill Cartwright, and Charles Oakley.

It's a very smart move by the creators of the game to advertise these players. Because while everyone remembers stars like Magic Johnson and Larry Bird, some of the most pointed memories of bygone eras involve colorful characters like the tough Oakley, or even just weird quirks like Cartwright's ugly free-throw form. If 2K Sports is going to market this game based on nostalgia, than they need to exploit every nook and cranny of fans' memories of the NBA of the past. This is how you do that.

Don't let me down, game developers. Next week, I want to see a clip of Vernon Maxwell running into the stands to fight a fan.

Earl Monroe Shaquille O Neal Hakeem Olajuwon Robert Parish Bob Pettit

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