вівторок, 26 квітня 2011 р.

Derrick Caracter, allegedly, really screwed up

Derrick Caracter is a 22-year-old Los Angeles Lakers rookie who barely plays. On Saturday night he apparently drank to excess in anticipation of barely or not even playing in the Lakers' Game 4 pairing with the New Orleans Hornets. On Sunday morning, he allegedly took it one step way, way too far.

From the New Orleans Times-Picayune:

[Caracter] "started grabbing and pulling" a pregnant waitress, prompting�the manager to go outside and flag down a police officer,�Harper said.�The female officer tried to defuse the situation, Harper said, but Caracter remained obstinate. The officer arrested him.

He�was handcuffed and taken to Orleans Parish jail and booked with one count of battery for hitting the waitress, as well as one count each of public intoxication and resisting arrest.

According to the Orange County Register's Kevin Ding, the restaurant Caracter was arrested in was located directly next door to his team's hotel.

No jokes, no excuses, no explaining away. Caracter screwed up, massively. And unless things change quickly, it will take years before this isn't the first thing we'll think of when Derrick's name pops up. Act accordingly, Derrick.

UPDATE: According to New Orleans police, and via Los Angeles Times reporter Lisa Dillman, the server in question is not pregnant.

Bob Pettit Scottie Pippen Willis Reed Oscar Robertson David Robinson

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