вівторок, 31 травня 2011 р.

What happened when James Harden fouled out

This is via Steve Aschburner's Twitter account, and it paints a pretty nasty picture. Oklahoma City had a figurative tree tattooed on its chest following James Harden's sixth foul, and here are the raw numbers behind it.

9:33: Enough time to tilt the Western Conference finals in Dallas' favor, enough time for the Mavs to outscore the Thunder by a 25-6 mark, enough time for OKC to manage more turnovers (four) than field goals (less than four, as you can see above), and enough time to produce what Johnny Ludden called "as inept a stretch of crunch-time basketball as anyone can remember this deep into the playoffs."

Sam Jones Michael Jordan Jerry Lucas Karl Malone Moses Malone

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