неділя, 31 жовтня 2010 р.

The 10-man rotation, starring Kobe's quest, renewed

A look around the league and the web that covers it. It's also important to note that the rotation order and starting nods aren't always listed in order of importance. That's for you, dear reader, to figure out.

C: Land O' Lakers. A look at how Kobe Bryant's approach to winning has changed over the years (and continues to evolve today).
PF: NBA. There are more international players on Opening Day rosters this year than at any other point in league history.
SF: Voice on the Floor. You will never look at Josh Smith the same way again. I promise.
SG: NBA FanHouse. Start the Summer of 2011 Oden Watch ... now.
PG: Ehrl the Pearl (via The Knicks Blog). "You won't get Brooklyn without a fight, Prokhorov," said Amar'e, probably.
6th. The Basketball Jones. The season's first full-length video, and Melas already has me crying.
7th. Green Street. Oddly mesmerizing video of a diesel Kendrick Perkins taking shots at Celtics practice.
8th. New Orleans Times-Picayune. Jerryd Bayless says he's a point guard. I say he's a copy editor's nightmare. We're both sort of right.
9th. CNN. Steve Kerr on the three L's: league economics, lockouts and LeBron.
10th. FreeDarko. The official 2010-11 FD Player Rankings. I love Serge Ibaka right where he is.

Got a link or tip for Ball Don't Lie? Give me a shout at yourmandevine (at) yahoo.com, or follow me on Twitter.

Billy Cunningham Dave DeBusschere Clyde Drexler Julius Erving Patrick Ewing

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