неділя, 31 жовтня 2010 р.

Create-a-Caption: 'I want Snuggly Puppy! Ooh! I want Buzzy Bee!'

Looks like you've got your hands full, Crunch. Whenever Wayne Ellington sees Pillow Pets, he just loses it. If you want to get him one, that's fine, but he's already got plenty at home. Man, who knew it could be so hard being the Minnesota Timberwolves mascot/official Toys "R" Us chaperone?

Best caption wins a delighted adult's smile. Good luck.

In our last adventure: Russell Westbrook thinks what you said was so funny. Like, "Two-Point-Five Mens" funny.

Winner, The Football God: "Sunday is Halloween. Show me your jack-o-lantern face."

Runner-up, Roger Mason Jr = Hero: Westbrook gave a surprising reaction when asked about Coach K's ability to handle an NBA gig.

Second runner-up, Space Coast Paul: In the second installment of our exciting new 226-part feature, "Players with their mouths wide open," Yahoo! Sports is pleased to present Russell Westbrook. On deck: Rajon Rondo.

Nate Thurmond Wes Unseld Bill Walton Jerry West Lenny Wilkens

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