субота, 29 січня 2011 р.

Video: Suns stuntman dives through the rim, lives

Now this is something you don't see every day: A man not only dunking the ball, but dunking himself! The videos below are absolutely insane.

During a Phoenix Suns halftime show, this guy gets massive air, but then it goes from cool-looking to scary. Luckily, ABC reports that the man staved off any injuries. Watch and marvel at how this is even possible (Video courtesy of ABC).

Goodness, gracious, sakes, alive. Amazing.

Here is another angle:

Not trying to go all Strict Constitutionalist on you, but I have Dr. James Naismith's original basketball rules copied and framed just inches away from where I type this, and I can't see anything that goes into the level of protection needed after you vault through the goal headfirst, before dropping 10 feet to your eventual end. While some other guy jumps on a trampoline toward your skittish legs and a gorilla exhorts the crowd to revel in this blood lust.

By the way if anyone cares, the Bobcats beat the Suns in this contest, by a 114 to 107 score.

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