четвер, 19 травня 2011 р.

Video: Bearded sage predicts the lottery winner

Did you know the NBA's draft lottery is on Tuesday night? Because I didn't, as of late Monday afternoon.

Also, I run an NBA website. Still didn't know when the draft lottery was. Unfortunately, even fans of 20-win teams aren't sweating over Tuesday night's drawing of lottery balls. Because the draft class isn't all that great; and, yes, I know what I just wrote 16 words ago.

Yahoo! Sports' Marc J. Spears has the killer quote:

One Western Conference general manager was more succinct in his analysis of this year's pool of available players.

"It's horrendous," he said. "Every year we always talk about how bad the draft is. This year we really mean it."

So, with that in place, can you really blame me for looking forward to Tuesday's Western Conference finals opener, and not the draft lottery? It's so bad that, even with good odds pointing to the Minnesota Timberwolves "winning" the first pick, we won't even bore you with our guesses as to who will draw the most balls.

Yes, I know I just wrote that. Apparently we're a blog, and we have to include jokes like that three times per month.

The Basketball Jones knows who's winning, by the way:

"Science." Also, the Cavs.

Michael Jordan Jerry Lucas Karl Malone Moses Malone Pete Maravich

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