вівторок, 17 травня 2011 р.

Video: Southwest Airlines employees make trick shots for your pleasure

Have you ever taken a flight on Southwest Airlines? It's a portal into some future airline world where seats don't get assigned until the last possible second and the complimentary drink is the obvious highlight of the flight. It's almost endearing, in a way. This company knows they shuttle people from one city to another and doesn't try to add frills to distract their passengers from the fact they're moving in the fastest way currently allowed by the Federal Aviation Administration.

As a bonus, several of their employees like basketball. For proof, check out this trick shot compilation that utilizes the kinds of accessories you'd hope for from a major airline. There's a shot from the cockpit, a make on a moving target attached to a luggage cart, and a long-range bomb from their headquarters. There's even a crazy flip off a trampoline, which is apparently a necessity on any tarmac. How do you think they get the planes so high in the air?!

Of course, the craziest trick shot of all would involve making a free throw while crammed into one of Southwest's seats in coach. But there are some things that even these daredevils can't accomplish.

UPDATE: It has been brought to my attention that these are not Southwest employees, but rather the men of Dude Perfect, a troupe of trick shot artistes. Regardless, my points about the airline stand.

(Via Vulture)

Julius Erving Patrick Ewing Walt Frazier George Gervin Hal Greer

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