середа, 1 червня 2011 р.

The Basketball Jones recaps the 2011 NBA Playoffs for you

Over a month and a half later, the NBA playoffs are finally down to their final series, and it actually feels like it's been twice as long since the postseason started.

Not that we're complaining, because this has really been a postseason to remember (one complaint? Needs more seventh or even sixth games), but it has gone on for a while. Case in point? Well, today it was over 90 degrees outside my living room by noon. The afternoon the playoffs started? There was snow on my car in the United Center parking lot after I walked to it following the first game of the Bulls/Pacers series.

(The Pacers were in the playoffs? That's right, it's been that long.)

So let Skeets and Tas and (especially) JD wrap everything up for you. The Basketball Jones has your (PG-13) NBA Playoff Recap:

Who's up for another six weeks? Anyone?

Dave DeBusschere Clyde Drexler Julius Erving Patrick Ewing Walt Frazier

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