четвер, 22 вересня 2011 р.

With Rick Adelman on board in Minny, Brad Miller is ready to ?chew someone?s butt?

After undergoing microfracture surgery on his left knee in May, you could forgive Minnesota Timberwolves center Brad Miller for wanting to take it easy. After all, that particular operation could be a career-killer to someone his age, and while Miller (when healthy) can still contribute at a high level, he was essentially brought to the Wolves last June for his expiring(ish) contract.

But now that Rick Adelman is in charge in Minny, Miller is all about getting back to the court. Even if that won't happen until January, at best. Without even taking into consideration the labor issues that have divided the league in a way that could cost it the 2011-12 season.

It doesn't matter to Brad, who's ready to "come in and chew someone's butt." You heard him.

And he'll be singing the praises of Adelman, the man who coached him in both Sacramento and Houston, along the way. From the Star Tribune:

"He's not a man who needs to say a lot," Miller said. "That's just not his personality. In Sacramento, when we were winning all these games, he was kind of the same whether it was a good stretch or a bad one. But when he says something, you listen. You understand what he's saying.

"I know one thing: If you can't play, you're not going to play. He gets guys to build trust between the coaches and players. He expects you to do your job. He doesn't talk much, but when you get him going on the right subject, he has a nice smart-ass bite."

Lotta butt stuff today, huh Brad?

This likely isn't the way Miller saw his career ending, sitting on the bench of a probable lottery team in street clothes, playing out the string on a terrible squad that is actually pretty well stocked in the front court. But dozens of near-retiring players go through the same routine year after year, signing with the team of their choice to finish a career, only to be traded when things don't pan out.

Not many of these players get to re-unite with their favorite coach while in exile. Good for Miller.

Brad's final take on his "new" coach?

"This guy, it's true what he can do."


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