середа, 2 листопада 2011 р.

C-a-C Past Lives: Scot Pollard sees something he cannot unsee

C-a-C Past Lives: Scot Pollard sees something he cannot unsee

Gotta get�back in time ... Welcome to another edition of�Create-a-Caption Past Lives. Bewildered by what appears to be a time-shifted work of either science fiction or fantasy? Then go�check out how it all started so you don't feel like you're living in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, ya rascal!

My guess? A Future Image search for "scot pollard hair." That's scarier than "The Shining," dog.

What do you think Scot Pollard saw? Best caption wins the spookiest song ever recorded. Good luck, and have lots of scary fun this weekend! I'll leave you with the same words of wisdom I got when I was 8 years old: "Watch out for the big kids throwing eggs and rocks. You might be dressed like The Flash, but you are a 'Husky' section shopper who does not run well at all."

Happy Halloween, everyone!

In our last adventure: INTO THE PAST! You guys laugh at this picture of Kevin Garnett, but you forget that, for like three years, imitating the "Wwwwaaaaazzzzzuuuuppppp?" guys was the comedic choice of a generation. A terrible, terrible generation.

C-a-C Past Lives: Scot Pollard sees something he cannot unseeWinner, Joel: Kevin Garnett cannot put his tongue back in his mouth after foolishly licking Stephon Marbury's head.

Runner-up, Thomas: KG responds with delight when someone asks who makes the more money of the two.

Second runner-up, Team Kickass: "Is it blue? It's not? [EXPLETIVE], these Ring Pops never work, man."

David Robinson Bill Russell Dolph Schayes Bill Sharman John Stockton

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