субота, 5 листопада 2011 р.

C-a-C Past Lives: ?This is the maximum number of [EXPLETIVES] I give, Ostertag ??

C-a-C Past Lives: ?This is the maximum number of [EXPLETIVES] I give, Ostertag ??

Gotta get�back in time ... Welcome to another edition of�Create-a-Caption Past Lives. Don't know what this is? The answers you seek are�all around you! Drink deep from the wellspring of information, ya thirsty so-and-so!

"... and I haven't maxed out in decades."

Say what you will about Jerry Sloan, but at least you always knew where you stood with him. (It was usually somewhere you didn't want to stand, and you typically got there because you didn't listen.)

Best caption wins a fresh new pair of This Tattoo is a Good Idea Jeans. Good luck.

In our last adventure: INTO THE PAST! Scot Pollard's least favorite part of having an out-of-body experience is always watching, helpless, as he makes a sizable mistake.

C-a-C Past Lives: ?This is the maximum number of [EXPLETIVES] I give, Ostertag ??Winner, Skillz: "Ooooooh, this new Ja Rule track is bangin'."

Runner-up, D4tified: Scot Pollard reacts to having to watch his own highlight film.

Second runner-up, Lummy: "Wow. They weren't kidding about Joakim Noah's jumpshot."

Clyde Drexler Julius Erving Patrick Ewing Walt Frazier George Gervin

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