вівторок, 19 жовтня 2010 р.

The 10-man rotation, starring David Robinson's 71 points

A look around the league and the web that covers it. It's also important to note that the rotation order and starting nods aren't always listed in order of importance. That's for you, dear reader, to figure out.

C: Dime. Look back at how "The Admiral" won the 1993-94 NBA scoring title.
PF: The Point Forward. Zach Lowe (ex-Celtics Hub) talks trade on his new SI blog.
SF: Miami Herald/WLRN. So, LeBron James poetry contest. What rhymes with "yikes"?
SG: Orlando Sentinel. Stan Van Gundy on starting backups Thursday: "Sorry, fans."
PG: NBA Playbook. John Wall can use screens properly, but he doesn't always do so.
6th: UPNORTHTRIPS. Walt Frazier's bedroom in the '70s. (Somehow, safe for work.)
7th. FreeDarko. Dream Week continues: Was Hakeem Olajuwon clutch?
8th. Basketball Prospectus. For one night only, the NBA returned to Seattle.
9th. Green Street. Ranking the top-five rapping Celtics.
10th. TMZ. Eddy Curry's money troubles keep mounting.

Got a link or tip for Ball Don't Lie? Give me a shout at devineboston (at) gmail.com, or follow me on Twitter.

Source: http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/blog/ball_dont_lie/post/The-10-man-rotation-starring-David-Robinson-s-7?urn=nba-277300

Magic Johnson Sam Jones Michael Jordan Jerry Lucas Karl Malone

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