пʼятниця, 21 січня 2011 р.

Days of NBA Lives: Wherein Kevin Durant is in love


At this point, seemingly half the NBA is on Twitter. It's a wild world of training updates, questions as to which movies they should go see, and explanations of their Call of Duty prowess. Every so often, though, you also get a picture into the more interesting aspects of NBA life. This feature is your window into that world.

Jason Richardson:
Wooow! My mom & sisters jus surprise me w/ my 30th bday gift. They flew in legendary DJ Jazzy Jeff 2 give me a 2hr lesson on the turntables

Steve Nash:
Room service came as I was getting in the shower. Went in the room nekkid for some shorts and dude is standing there. #awkward
Anthony Tolliver:
This older white lady almost jumped out of her pants when she looked back and saw me...she stopped, let me pass, then kept walking... I shouldve jumped at her and yelled...just because hahahaha

Danny Granger:
In a limo In san fran and the driver just said he can't see... Fml

Kevin Durant:
Scarlett johanneson I will drink ur bath water...#random

You can also follow Eric Freeman on Twitter at @

Walt Frazier George Gervin Hal Greer John Havlicek Elvin Hayes

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