четвер, 24 лютого 2011 р.

Chicago radio ad spoofs LeBron James

We've seen our fair share of satire rolling down the pike following LeBron James' poorly conceived "Decision" from last July, but this one has a whole new edge to it.

For one, the shot comes via the advertising budget of an insurance company that competes with LeBron's preferred provider, State Farm. Secondly, the voiceover in the ad comes from a man known best for his work as President Palmer from the hit FOX series "24." Or, to those of us who aren't into quality TV, and have never seen a "24" episode but have seen the movie "Major League" 42 times? Pedro Cerrano does the voiceover.

You guessed it. Actor Dennis Haysbert, shilling for Allstate, delivers the blow, on Chicago-area radio. Listen in:

Plenty of go-to lines there about free agency, or "taking your talents" somewhere. Pretty standard fare.

And bust out the teletype machine, there, Chippy. Because making fun of LeBron James is going to devolve technologically from here on out. By 2013, we'll have carrier pigeons making cracks about "the one thing you can't control is you never know."

(Via Darren Rovell's Twitter account.)

Charles Barkley Rick Barry Elgin Baylor Dave Bing Larry Bird

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