пʼятниця, 18 лютого 2011 р.

C-a-C: Something seems different about the Jazz's second unit

It's either that Earl Watson's gotten more minutes in the last couple of games or that new Utah Jazz head coach Tyrone Corbin has taken to deploying a swarm of fresh-faced Boy Scouts to provide energetic on-ball defense to push tempo and create turnovers. I'm still not sure which, though.

Best caption wins a more serious-than-necessary discussion of the connection between Superman and the Boy Scouts. Good luck.

In our last adventure: "DeMarcus and Donte / sitting awkwardly / but not punching / so that is sweet."

Winner, Russell S: Just a moment before, Donte Greene realized that someone had mixed pink food coloring into his bottle of Selsun Blue.

DeMarcus Cousins: "Game. Set. Match."

Runner-up, Fanta Pants: No wonder [Greene] didn't see him open in the post!

NOTE: This has a real olde-tyme one-line zinger quality to it. Also, bonus points for calling yourself Fanta Pants, easily the strongest possible soda/clothing nickname outside of Bawls Guarana Muff.

Second runner-up, Jesse: Texting while at your job: So easy, Donte Greene can do it.

Scottie Pippen Willis Reed Oscar Robertson David Robinson Bill Russell

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