четвер, 17 лютого 2011 р.

Cleveland weatherman turns to witch for help with Cavs losing streak

From the, "are you kidding me, America?" files, here comes this out of Cleveland, via Woj:

19 Action News Meteorologist Jason Handman will be attempting to lift whatever curse has befallen Cleveland's beloved home town hoops team with the assistance of Kathy Curran, a local Witch and High Priestess. Curran is a self proclaimed expert in all aspects of the metaphysical realms, including Wiccan culture, astrology, fairies, magic, and an extensive knowledge of herbs and spell casting.

Jason and Witch Kathy will attempt to break the losing spell of the Cavaliers live today in today's 19 Action News at Four, Five, and Six. Fans from around the country can watch these newscasts as they are streamed live, online, at 19 Action News.com

"Kathy has assured me that she has the perfect spell to lift this curse already prepared. If she proves to be successful, she will be forecasting the weather for us as well." Jason Handman says.

I realize that this is just a tongue-in-cheek exercise (for everyone except for Kathy, I suppose, who will gladly exchange being mocked by thousands for the chance to be on local TV, briefly), but just try stopping yourself from shaking your head at this within the next hour.

Most Cleveland Cavalier fans know that their team isn't cursed, and that the squad just isn't that good. That even the best parts of this team are either out of place, in the wrong role, or injured. And that the whole crew, no pun intended, is pretty dispirited. So how in any way is this going to help a Cavs team that ... aw, crap. There I went. Actually trying to argue against this with logic.

There's no doubt that the weatherman in this press release is using this as a springboard to some other, bigger, city. As if Cleveland was some horse-and-buggy town.

But I'd really, really like to believe that any city bigger than Cleveland won't believe in hooey like this. Please prove me correct, various metropolitan areas.

Scottie Pippen Willis Reed Oscar Robertson David Robinson Bill Russell

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