середа, 19 жовтня 2011 р.

?We Believe? Warriors could take on current squad in charity game

?We Believe? Warriors could take on current squad in charity game

For a playoff also-ran, the "We Believe" Warriors of 2007 are still remembered with a level of fondness usually reserved for title contenders. With a running style, total lack of fear while facing the heavily favored Mavericks, and general indifference for the conventional wisdom about what makes for Winning Playoff Basketball, Golden State became one of the top stories of the postseason. Then, after a 48-win, ninth-place finish in 2007-2008, the whole experiment crashed and burned.

Still, that team is much loved in the Bay Area, enough so that most fans would gladly cheer on guys like Baron Davis and Stephen Jackson in a neutral setting. So, with the lockout not set to end any time, there's a movement afoot to get the "We Believe" team involved in a charity game against the current Warriors roster. Matt Steinmetz of CSNBayArea.com has the report:

Apparently, plans are in the works to get a game together between current Warriors and the "We Believe" Warriors from 2007.

Still trying to nail down some details, but Baron Davis, Matt Barnes, Jason Richardson and Stephen Jackson all might be playing for the "We Believe" team. Maybe Al Harrington, too.

It is unknown how many current Warriors would participate in the game, or who is sponsoring the game.

The spot for the game is likely to be the San Jose Events Center, with Oct. 29 possibly being the date.

It's no surprise that Steinmetz's report is vague -- there are still a lot of moving parts that need to get figured out, from venue to participants to format to cause. But it's an exciting prospect nonetheless, especially for Warriors fans looking to relive memories of the franchise's only playoff trip since 1994.

However, it may be a bad move for the current team, which is likely to get less attention from the crowd than the '07 group. Unless, of course, it proves that it's�the superior and more exciting team. Which shouldn't be too hard, considering Jason Richardson only shoots jumpers now and Baron Davis looks like an mp3 blogger. Plus, something tells me Monta Ellis could win a pickup game one-on-one.

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