вівторок, 26 квітня 2011 р.

Days of NBA Lives: Wherein Candace Parker saves her family money

At this point, seemingly half the NBA is on Twitter. It's a wild world of training updates, questions as to which movies they should go see, and explanations of their Call of Duty prowess. Every so often, though, you also get a picture into the more interesting aspects of NBA life. This feature is your window into that world.

Steve Nash: Went to the park to shoot jumpers this morning. What else am I going to do?

Chris Douglas-Roberts:
Some things you learn in the hood that you can ONLY learn in the hood. When you combine that w/book smarts, you can't lose daddy!

Shelden Williams:
Now that your 25 @Candace_Parker our insurance is going to go down!!! That's a plus!!!

Sean May:
Seriously when did #CSImiami become so damn bad!!! Terrible

Luc Richard Mbah a Moute:
Whats going on in La Crosse, WI on a monday?

You can also follow Eric Freeman on Twitter at @freemaneric.

Larry Bird Wilt Chamberlain Bob Cousy Dave Cowens Billy Cunningham

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