субота, 1 жовтня 2011 р.

Create-a-Caption: Kyle Lowry is all like, ?Vegas, baby, Vegas?

Create-a-Caption: Kyle Lowry is all like, ?Vegas, baby, Vegas?

"I'm playing competitive pick-up ball with 50 NBA pals and cracking jokes with my buddy Jared Dudley, I'm catching The Amazing Johnathan and�Big Bad Voodoo Daddy and hammering comped buffets every night, and I'm living in the same ZIP code as Bill Barnwell. Who needs a season? I'm having the time of my life!" ? Kyle Lowry, probably.

Man, that does sound pretty sweet. But hey, wait a minute! We need a season! You bite your tongue, Lowry. You hear me? You bite it!

Best caption wins an unforgettable night as Nick Papagiorgio. Good luck.

In our last adventure: If you look closely, you'll see that Kobe Bryant isn't just berating motivating a young person at a Singapore basketball camp; he's also getting a much-needed jaw-jut workout in at the same time. That's veteran savvy, kids.

Create-a-Caption: Kyle Lowry is all like, ?Vegas, baby, Vegas?Winner, Chillkreme43: Wow, splinters in [Singapore] look really painful.

Runner-up, Kd: Kobe Bryant remains undefeated at the annual Sparks County Worm-Off.

Second runner-up, Dago: Kobe Bryant is extra-competitive. He wants to be the best at everything ? even explaining "the birds and the bees" to a kid in basketball camp.

Jerry West Lenny Wilkens James Worthy Kareem Abdul Jabbar Nate Archibald

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