четвер, 23 грудня 2010 р.

Days of NBA Lives: Wherein the Warriors play "Words with Friends"


At this point, seemingly half the NBA is on Twitter. It's a wild world of training updates, questions as to which movies they should go see, and explanations of their Call of Duty prowess. Every so often, though, you also get a picture into the more interesting aspects of NBA life. This feature is your window into that world.

Jordan Hill:
My draft pic...I want to put a rockets jersey and hat in place of then knicks jersey and hat

Brandon Jennings:
I'm not taking a bath for 3days oh well idcccc. #CAP
Jeremy Lin:
why isnt "hella" a playable word... RT @DWRIGHTWAY1 On the bus playin words wit friends wit @JLin7 @StephenCurry30 Rodney and @flintstone14

Dorell Wright: Man dees dudes are coming up wit words I've never in my life heard b4. Smh. I should of went to college hahahah #not ill get better!!!

Anthony Morrow:
I think this hotel is haunted

You can also follow Eric Freeman on Twitter at @

Dave DeBusschere Clyde Drexler Julius Erving Patrick Ewing Walt Frazier

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