пʼятниця, 31 грудня 2010 р.

Tracy McGrady 'is not like Chris Bosh and selling out (Toronto)'

Add Tracy McGrady to the long list of two NBA players who wants everyone to know that they, in fact, are not Chris Bosh.

Let's let Not Chris Bosh tell it as he sees it:

Interesting approach, Not Chris Bosh.

It is a bit strange that Toronto fans still choose to boo Tracy McGrady, 10 1/2 years after he left Toronto to play for the Orlando Magic. Ten-and-a-half years after he decided to go play in his home state, for his favorite team.

Ten-and-a-half years after he decided to leave a team with no head coach (after the last head coach it had, Butch Carter, had been fired for deciding to sue a former Raptors centre, Marcus Camby, for libel) and an as-yet-undecided future with 2001 free agent Vince Carter to go play for a team featuring possibly the game's best all-around player in the NBA at that point in Grant Hill.


I still think Not Chris Bosh made a smart, understandable move in leaving Toronto for Orlando back in 2000. I just wish Raptor fans would stop treating Not Chris Bosh like they would Chris Bosh.

Isiah Thomas Nate Thurmond Wes Unseld Bill Walton Jerry West

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