середа, 22 грудня 2010 р.

Richard Hamilton is not happy in Detroit

Nobody really seems to have any idea what the Detroit Pistons are doing, which wouldn't be that big of a problem if it didn't appear as if the Detroit Pistons don't have any idea what the Detroit Pistons are doing. Which wouldn't be that big a problem if the Detroit Pistons were well-versed in circular logic, which it appears that they are not.

After blowing all their 2009 cap space on two shooters in Ben Gordon and Charlie Villanueva, when they already employed several players along those same lines, and trying to sign Shaquille O'Neal last summer, it looks as if Richard Hamilton has had enough of the Detroit Pistons. The feeling, apparently, is mutual.

From the Detroit News:

"He quit on us," one team source said. Another team source said Hamilton is acting out of emotion and should adjust.

Hamilton's been on the trading block for two years, and he would like a change of scenery.

And, on Sunday, just before a game against the New Orleans Hornets, Hamilton, who was replaced in the starting lineup over the weekend by Ben Gordon, told the team he had an upset stomach and could not play. After the game, a number of people associated with the team questioned his "upset stomach."

Team president Joe Dumars has said he is having trouble making deals because the team is for sale, but if Hamilton doesn't take coming off the bench well, the situation could become untenable. With the recent trades around the league, it shows the market is opening up.

"If I need to have a long talk with him, I will," Dumars said Monday on WDFN. "I'll see how Rip is doing tomorrow when he gets in here. Rip's been good for me."

Rip hasn't been good to you for three years, Joe Dumars. In fact, extending Rip in 2008 for absolutely no reason has just about destroyed the once-proud franchise you used to expertly run, Joe. 

It should also be noted that while trading Rip Hamilton away might, in fact, be tougher because of the franchise's hopefully impending sale, the main reason nobody wants Rip Hamilton right now is because he's a shooter who doesn't take or make many 3-pointers, he doesn't contribute in any other area, he'll make at least $9 million in 2012-13 and $12.5 million next season.

And he's making that much this season. And he's worth, once you factor the all-around factors in, a third of that. And this is not hindsight talking, Joe. Should have given us -- a lot of us -- a call two years ago.

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