неділя, 31 липня 2011 р.

Video: Jimmer Fredette is still good at shooting

Apart from being a stand-up young man with white teeth and a friendly disposition, newest Sacramento King Jimmer Fredette has impressed people for having legitimate skills on the basketball court. Chief among those is his impressive shooting ability, which he showed in virtually every notable game of his BYU career. Sure, Jimmer may have taken what are typically called "bad shots," but he made them with regularity. There are legitimate concerns about his ability to defend or play point guard in the NBA, but everyone thinks he'll make open shots.

Recently at the youth camp that bears his name, Jimmer showed he can still shoot. In the video above, Jimmer shows off his range with two shots near half-court and swishes them easily. We don't know if this video was edited to cut out a few misses, but based on the crowd reaction, I'm going to guess Jimmer spent 30 minutes making shots from all over the court. Either that or the Beatles walked into the gym.

We can only hope that Jimmer's shooting does not leave during the lockout. Watch out for the Monstars!

(Via PBT)

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