пʼятниця, 25 березня 2011 р.

BDL Hump Day Chat!

Why yes, the Spurs have won.

57 times in 70 tries, in fact. A sterling record, far and away the best in the NBA, and yet all anyone wants to seem to talk about are the Bulls, Knicks, Heat, Lakers, and maybe the Celtics. And that was before Tim Duncan went down with an ankle injury.

We're here to talk about whatever you want to talk about, that's the function of today's BDL Hump Day Chat!, which means it can't be art.

Just click the jump around 3 p.m., Eastern, and have at it.

(All comments are moderated, so there's almost a hundred percent chance yours won't show up right away as we wade through the hundreds that are sent our way. Please be patient, and we'll get to it. Please read this paragraph. It's kind of important. Kind of strange that so many of you decline to.)

Robert Parish Bob Pettit Scottie Pippen Willis Reed Oscar Robertson

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