вівторок, 29 березня 2011 р.

Create-a-Caption: Randy Foye gives the best autographs

Listen, it's not always a picnic being Blake Griffin's teammate. Case in point: Autographs. Everyone wants the guy who dunked on Timofey Mozgov's neck to sign their jersey or program or baby. The backup guard who hits 39 percent of his shots? Not so much.

That's why Randy Foye really goes the extra mile for fans that ask for his John Hancock. "Keep reaching for the stars, Alan?" You got it. Special message for your nephew who's having trouble getting used to his retainer? Done. Detailed critical analysis of Synge's culturally specific and often ironic depiction of masculinity in "The Playboy of the Western World"? Make sure you bring your XL jersey, but sure thing.

The guy's a real pro. He'll sign for hours ... if you let him.

Best caption wins a hair-heavy�entreaty to turn up your radio. Good luck.

In our last adventure: Gregg Popovich has a pointed conversation.

Winner, Stephen: Pop: "Knock down that fargin' wall, knock down that fargin' wall and knock down THAT fargin' wall!!!"

Runner-up, Brian B.: "I can finally party now that Mr. Tattletale is gone with that ankle. I want you to give my back stage passes to her and her, and warm up the fog machine."

Second runner-up, Tucker L: "THAT'S HIM! That's the guy who keeps letting bats loose in here!"

Earl Monroe Shaquille O Neal Hakeem Olajuwon Robert Parish Bob Pettit

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