вівторок, 22 березня 2011 р.

Video: This last weekend's craziest finish happened in Spain

As you've probably heard, the second and third rounds of the NCAA tournament took place over the last four days. It's an event beloved for its wild finishes, and this last weekend's games certainly didn't disappoint. Did you see the Foulapalooza in the final seconds of Butler/Pitt on Saturday? I've never seen such thrilling incompetence!

Yet, while most Americans took in the weekend's college games with great interest, the most exciting finish took place on another continent. Above, witness the crazy final possessions of a match between Spanish clubs Unicaja Malaga and Real Madrid in Liga ACB from Friday night. While most exciting conclusions might have one or two great shots, this one has four, plus a great block by former Raptor Jorge Garbajosa, and a delirious announcer who's probably a distant cousin to CBS's Gus Johnson.

In a perfect world, all basketball games would end like this, and all announcers would repeat lines like "I am dreaming!" (translated) and laugh maniacally after every game-winning shot. Take your collegiate athletes playing for the love of the game. This, right here, is my heaven.

(Video via @truehoop)

Larry Bird Wilt Chamberlain Bob Cousy Dave Cowens Billy Cunningham

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