неділя, 10 липня 2011 р.

C-a-C Past Lives: Silent, ineluctable doom trails Antawn Jamison

Gotta get�back in time ... Welcome to another edition of�Create-a-Caption Past Lives.

He can never quite put his finger on why, but for some reason, Antawn Jamison is always kind of worried that his career's cursed and that he might never get to be on a real winner. Silly, right? Probably just completely baseless paranoia.

Oh, well. Time to suit up for the 2001-2002 Golden State Warriors!

Best caption wins a visit from the Obvious Symbolism Police. Good luck.

In our last adventure: INTO THE PAST! Absolutely, ma'am. Jason Williams would love to sign your baby.

Winner, JakeVozquel: "Hey kid: How do you spell 'chocolate'?"

Runner-up, Perron: "See this 'X' I drew right here? This is where you have to bounce the ball to make the off-the-elbow pass. Now go practice."

Second runner-up, Mr: Sacramento's "Scared Straight" program has the highest rating in the U.S.

Walt Frazier George Gervin Hal Greer John Havlicek Elvin Hayes

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