субота, 27 листопада 2010 р.

C-a-C: Jason Richardson can't believe there's no Tofurky

You know Jason Richardson became a committed vegan this past semester, Jason Richardson's Family. Not having Tofurky available is a slap in the face of everything he started fervently believing recently. Gosh, this is just like you guys. Ugh. "Happy Thanksgiving," I guess. Whatever.

Best caption wins smoldering resentment with a side of black Fair Trade coffee, a couple of stubbed-out American Spirits and some Rice Dream non-dairy frozen desserts to cap it all off. Good luck.

In our last adventure: Tim Duncan and Dwight Howard tell real important secrets.

Winner, Michael C: "I saw you worked with the Dream this summer. Too bad your post game's still a NIGHTMARE! ZING!!!" (NOTE: I completely agree that Tim Duncan would explicitly say "ZING!" after zinging you, especially after a zing that isn't particularly accurate, because Dwight's been a beast on the block this season. Also, zing zing zing happy Thanksgivzing.)

Runner-up, MikeE: Tim: "Dwight, don't look now, but there is a creepy little white dude behind you ..."

Dwight: "Hey, man, he's just a kid, that ain't nice! I thought you were supposed to be Mr. Nice Guy?"

Tim: "No, no ... not the kid ... G-I-N-O-B-I-L-I..."

Second runner-up, tiparillo: Duncan: "The pebble is still in my hand, young grasshopper."

Elvin Hayes Magic Johnson Sam Jones Michael Jordan Jerry Lucas

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