вівторок, 30 листопада 2010 р.

Video: Derrick Rose crosses over Tyreke Evans

Patience pays off. So does blind loyalty, which allows for you to sit through three quarters of a game that involves your favorite team being pushed around by the lowly Sacramento Kings. Eventually, late on a Saturday night, the Chicago Bulls came back.

And eventually, this happened.

Now, Tyreke Evans has been suffering with ankle injuries all year, but you sort of get the feeling Derrick Rose would have spun him into the floor even if he did have all his wood screws in place. Rose was in the midst of yet another dominant performance (30 points, seven rebounds, seven assists, just one turnover) when he punctuated a startling Chicago comeback (outscoring Sacto 29-9 in the final frame) with this killer move.

(HT: The Works.)

Earl Monroe Shaquille O Neal Hakeem Olajuwon Robert Parish Bob Pettit

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