субота, 27 листопада 2010 р.

Video: Scottie Pippen's brilliance

It's a Friday, so this should leave you chuffed beyond belief.

Leaves are turning, you're a week away from a work-break taken in order to see your family (or, take a long weekend off to pretend to jet home while you stay -- rightfully, bottled up in your apartment playing video games -- and away from that familial group that drives you batty), and embracing the brilliance of sage and onion. It's worth looking forward to, right? Thanksgiving, followers, darlings, it's just a few days away.

There's everything you need to know, as you work into the afterglow that is a brilliant autumnal weekend. Apologies for coming off as the appalling optimist, once again, but why not?

In the meantime? I'd forgotten that I'm back running this site. And, as is the case, 15 minutes of Scottie Pippen highlights should result. On top of that, the best commercial by Western mores follows Pippen's turn as something that (lose the cynic, embrace the bounce pass) reveals him as something special as an athlete and a performer. The fact that it may have sold shoes, warms me.

The fact that this commercial, considering the budget and the amount of basketball sneakers that were bought as a result, may not have been worth it? That's enough to warm this guy's duplex from now until the playoffs.

It is still, sorry, the finest advert I can point to. Kindly sit through the brilliant clip show that started it, to get to the end.

It's Scottie Pippen. Please watch all of it, and then enjoy the bit of "Blue Monk" that ends this.

Scottie Pippen Willis Reed Oscar Robertson David Robinson Bill Russell

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