пʼятниця, 19 листопада 2010 р.

Video: Woman plays the perfect Pop-A-Shot game

The greatest individual performances in NBA will be remembered forever: Wilt's 100, Kobe's 81, Love's 30/30, Jordan's 63 against the Celtics, and that time Ricky Davis shot the ball at his own basket to get a triple-double. Now, you can add another feat to the list.

Above, witness the perfect Pop-A-Shot game. If you met this woman on the street, you would think nothing of her. But she achieved athletic immortality by sinking a whopping 256 points in only two minutes for an average of 2.13 per second. She is effectively the Usain Bolt of novelty basketball shooting games.

I credit this champion for seeing an area of opportunity where only recreation once existed. Most of us play Pop-A-Shot at bars, Chuck E. Cheese, or Dave & Buster's, which is really just a combination of a bar and Chuck E. Cheese. Yet this woman turned a diversion into a path to greatness, just like the Phillie Phanatic.

My favorite thing about this accomplishment is that it can't possibly be translated to an actual basketball game. To shoot with this level of accuracy, you have to completely ignore the real sport. I'm sure this woman gets along famously with the world's best air hockey player. They are a match made in heaven.

(Video via The Maddow Blog and ShareBro Graydon Gordian)

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