четвер, 18 листопада 2010 р.

Don't be so flippin' stupid, Andrew Bynum

Let me toss a tip Andrew Bynum's way.

There are these things called "track days," in which people who have come into contact with a great deal of money (and, as a consequence, very expensive cars) can rent out a track for a day to drive said cars.

And, after a stern talking-to with the people that run the racetrack about how to be safe and what to do in each particular apex, you can just race to your heart's content. It comes with a fee, of course, but nothing that would be prohibitive to someone making eight figures a year, pre-tax.

Like, you, Andrew Bynum.

And, look, I'll even hook you up with a link to an organization that might interest you, Andrew, in your neck of the woods. Laguna Seca, even. Mmm-hmm.

I'm passing this along so you won't put yourself and untold others' lives in danger by doing stupid crap like this:

(From -- I know, I know -- TMZ)

Law enforcement sources tell us Bynum was burning rubber in his customized 2010 Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano on October 29 -- when cops clocked him going 110 MPH in a 55 MPH zone.

Bynum was eventually ticketed for speeding -- but dude was lucky he wasn't hauled to the slammer.

Law enforcement sources tell us the only reason he wasn't nailed on a reckless driving charge was because traffic was light and the NBA star wasn't weaving in and out of lanes.

The 599 is a fantastic car, and I can't imagine the temptation it takes to keep it within the range of the speed limit. Yes, I can, actually. Millions of people tend to do it, every day. In all manner of vehicles.

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