вівторок, 16 листопада 2010 р.

Ball Don't Lie Hump Day Chat!

A good friend of mine, who watches an obsessive amount of NBA basketball and generally knows his stuff more than a lot of people who are paid to write about this league do, asked me on Saturday night if the Heat should try to trade Chris Bosh to the Orlando Magic for Rashard Lewis.

Now, it's early in the season. And Chris Bosh led all NBA power forwards in PER last year. But these are the sorts of things us junkies need to discuss, if even to dismiss it. Because it's all fair, two weeks into the season. And, geez, Chris Bosh for Rashard Lewis? Tell me you're not thinking about that.

So click the jump for a BDL Hump Day Chat!, which will start around 3 p.m., Eastern time. And drop Chris Bosh a line, asking him if he wants to stop in.

Just don't expect to catch him on the rebound.

(Note: If your comment doesn't appear right away, rest assured, it shouldn't. Comments are moderated, but because we like you and don't want to limit contributions to a level that other large sites do, we'll try to get to it. It might be a few minutes. It might be 20 minutes. Chill out. Eat some papaya.)

Jerry West Lenny Wilkens James Worthy Kareem Abdul Jabbar Nate Archibald

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